Tonkeeper is your very personal wallet.
Receive, buy and spend
crypto with ease
Tonkeeper is the easiest self-custody wallet to pay toncoin and other tokens. Ton has low blockchain fees and fast transactions.
Receive TON and other tokens in one place
Pay for services and goods within the wallet, or via QR code
Exchange your tokens for others in decentralized exchangers
Whether you get paid in tokens, or TON — you have plenty of options to store and manage your finances. Store money in the currencies you like, pay as you go and enjoy your personal financial freedom.
In TON and other tokens
Manage subscriptions easily
Earn up on your TONs
Buy and sell tokens instantly
Use your favorite decentralized apps & find new ones, without leaving your wallet.
The Home of NFT on The Open Network
Service that allows users to assign a human-readable name to wallets
Marketplace for digital artists and high-quality collections
Cross-chain DEX built on TON
Buy and sell Telegram usernames and anonymous numbers
Non-custodial wallets for greater security, control, and privacy to users, making them a preferred choice for individuals who prioritize the principles of decentralization and self-sovereignty in managing their cryptocurrency assets.
Non-custodial wallets offer enhanced privacy as users do not need to disclose personal information to a service provider to use the wallet.
Since the private keys are held by the user, non-custodial wallets are generally considered more secure compared to custodial wallets.
Non-custodial wallets align with the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, as users can directly interact with the blockchain without intermediaries.
Wallet can be accessed and used across different devices, such as desktop computers, smartphones. This portability allows users to manage their funds on the go.
The era of human exploitation is over. Exit the matrix of central banking dictatorship, surveillance of credit card companies and digital walled gardens. Join the new era of borderless digital economy and be prepared to succumb to our future AI overlords.